unending delights

12-day tours to Japan

creative quilting experiences

workshops & retreats

vintage japanese textiles

for adventuresome quilters
25% off!
our biggest sale ever

Shop for Japanese textiles from your armchair!
Save on yardage, packs, kokeshi, and quilts!

12-day tours in Japan
trip of a lifetime!

Experience Japanese textiles, quilting, people, and traditions — with insider visits, hands-on workshops, celebrity meet-ups, special meals, and more.

Each tour is limited to 16 participants.

okan arts retreats

Immersive, fun, and totally designed to boost your quilting mojo.

historic la conner wa
Quilt Retreat in La Conner

June 16-21, 2024

THEME: Creativity & Inserted Curves

Inserting curved elements into your quilt compositions gives you a technique-expanding mastery that changes everything! 

4 spots left

All-inclusive retreat
modern medallions

Join Patricia Belyea for an immersive retreat focusing on modern medallions.

JAN 2025
Hood Canal, near Seattle

talks and workshop

Patricia Belyea shares her line-up of quilt guild talks and her one-day guild workshop for 2023-2024.

[1:54 minute video]